Stand is a modern and progressive golf club, however we do expect our members and visitors, both on the course and in the clubhouse, to maintain a respectable standard of dress.
On the Course
Polo or turtleneck golf shirts should be worn (we do realise that some golf attire does not have collars but these need to be branded as golf wear).
Golf shoes should be worn on the course.
Unacceptable clothing includes:
Denim, tracksuits, football attire, beach wear, cargo or combat trousers or shorts and trainers.
Smart casual clothing may be worn at all times (unless more formal attire has been specified for a function).
Please remove golf hats and caps when entering the clubhouse. Golf shoes should not be worn apart from the locker room.
Smart jeans and training shoes are permitted in the clubhouse, unless for formal functions, where specific dress codes will be communicated.
Golf etiquette is designed to make the game more enjoyable and safer for all; showing respect and courtesy to fellow players and to the course helps prevent any conflict, delays and damage to the course.