At Stand Golf Club, we value the great personal relationship we have with our members and visitors. With this in mind, we feel that it’s important to assure you of the stringent and thorough procedures we have in place, to help protect the people visiting and working at Stand Golf Club in the wake of COVID-19.
We have an excellent Health and Safety team who have drawn up and implemented comprehensive and stringent health and safety protocols to protect both our members, guests and our employees.
In addition to wanting to ensure our golfers remain healthy, we also want you to be comfortable and confident when choosing to visit us.
We have taken the following precautions:
- Management Action plan implemented for Health Emergencies
- Risk Assessments in place for staff and visitors
- Posters for correct handwashing
- Hand sanitisers have been placed around the buildings
- Refresher training for staff regarding hygiene
- Regular sanitising of door handles and surfaces
We recognise that the situation is worrying but we would like to reassure you that we are closely monitoring the developing situation and following Government guidance to ensure you can enjoy your golf.
We are very much open for business as usual and in the meantime, we will provide any updates as the situation progresses.
We would advise you to check the Gov.UK website for the most up-to-date information:
When visiting our site, we would ask all our golfers and guests to take the following sensible Government Advice:
• Washing hands regularly. Wash hands for at least 30 seconds and use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser if soap and water is not available.
• Maintain good hygiene practices such as using tissues when coughing or sneezing and disposing of the tissue in a bin
• If you feel unwell, have a cough, temperature or believe you are possibly carrying the virus PLEASE stay away from the club until you have completed the advised period of ‘self isolation’
We assure you of our very best attention at all times.
The Board of Directors
Stand Golf Club Ltd